You're on the Tragic Silence Anime episode list and information page. Here you can Download Tragic Silence Episodes for free. We try our best to provide you with high quality Tragic Silence Episodes for a quick, reliable way to download Tragic Silence. Below you will also find a short summary and also a list of Tragic Silence Episodes.

Download Tragic Silence Episodes


Luticia is a vampire. However, she has fallen in love with her childhood friend, a human named Shou. She is afraid that their love will not be able to overcome their differences…

Rick, a vampire from Luticia’s Clan, is murdered by a woman from Shou’s village. Rick had been having an affair with her, and the vampires are enraged to find out that Rick has been sleeping with humans instead of preying on them. Regardless, the clan starts planning to revenge the murder of their own kind. Humans are also enraged to discover thee existence of vampires in the vicinity and they are also planning to find nad destroy the vampires.

What will happen to Luticia and Shou? Will their love survive the hatred between their people?

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Episode #Release Date