You're on the Sailor Fuku Shinryou Tsumaka Anime episode list and information page. Here you can Download Sailor Fuku Shinryou Tsumaka Episodes for free. We try our best to provide you with high quality Sailor Fuku Shinryou Tsumaka Episodes for a quick, reliable way to download Sailor Fuku Shinryou Tsumaka. Below you will also find a short summary and also a list of Sailor Fuku Shinryou Tsumaka Episodes.

Download Sailor Fuku Shinryou Tsumaka Episodes


Nozomu is a student, but famous in the field of psychiatry. He works hard every day to find a way to remove mental concerns of women. Actually, his deceased father worked on this theme and he now takes it over. One day, he submits a report, but it is thrown out soon. The theme of his report is, “Women’s current concerns attribute to their past mental conflicts, especially during adolescence. By removing their past mental concerns with hypnotism and making them experience a satisfying school life, their depression will be cured.” “It’s just an armchair theory. No one will believe it.” Nozomu gets upset and makes up his mind to prove it. Days later, he somehow collects three girls, Mirai, his mother, Kyouka, Mirai’s friend, and Izumi, his old friend. Like this, his grand experiment involving “married women in sailor’s uniform” starts….

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