You're on the Mezzo Forte Anime episode list and information page. Here you can Download Mezzo Forte Episodes for free. We try our best to provide you with high quality Mezzo Forte Episodes for a quick, reliable way to download Mezzo Forte. Below you will also find a short summary and also a list of Mezzo Forte Episodes.
Download Mezzo Forte Episodes

For Mikura, danger is routine and killing is just like breathing. Sleek and sexy, she was born with a gun in each hand and a smile on her face. She specializes in taking risks, but things get a little too hot when her company takes a kidnapping job. The target is a wealthy baseball team owner named Momokichi, but he turns out to be a powerful underworld boss. Mikura and her team are beset by countless heavily armed bodyguards and Momokichi’s vicious daughter, Momomi. She’s used to getting her way, and with world class marksmanship skills, she may be the perfect match for Mikura.
- Episodes: 2
- Type: TV
- Genres: Action, Comedy, Cyberpunk, GirlswithGuns, Police, ScienceFiction
- Viewer:
Episode #Release Date
- Mezzo Forte Episode 1 Subbed Jun 06, 2018
- Mezzo Forte Episode 2 Subbed Jun 06, 2018