You're on the Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction Anime episode list and information page. Here you can Download Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction Episodes for free. We try our best to provide you with high quality Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction Episodes for a quick, reliable way to download Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction. Below you will also find a short summary and also a list of Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction Episodes.
Download Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction Episodes

The fiendish gun to which that makes the person deviate whom it has, continues to inhale no human thing blood.
A certain day, Asakura superior obtains that gun accidentally. In the bag where the gun has entered the mass cash and video of request for the assassination by the person of puzzle… the owner of the original bag was the hit man who is called the hunter.
It faces to the actual place of assassination, as a hunter uniting with the woman angel of puzzle superior, there, he means to assassinate the target.
As for superior, selecting one some kind of destiny?
And, as for this dangerous game expecting first death, or…
Episode #Release Date
- Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction Episode 1 Nov 16, 2017
- Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction Episode 2 Nov 16, 2017
- Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction Episode 3 Nov 16, 2017